French Brats?

I mean brat, as in bratwurst, not as in naughty haughty European children.  I found this recipe on and was intrigued by the combination of apples, cream, and sausage.  Oh yes, yes, yes, it's good.  I probably should have waited to try it further into the grilling season when we're getting a little sick of brats and hotdogs, but I will whip it out again maybe in July.
Bratwurst with Creamy Apple Compote
2 T butter
1 T vegetable oil
1 onion, sliced
2 Golden Delicious apples, peeled, cored, and sliced rather thinly
1 bay leaf
1 or 2 packages uncooked bratwurst, depending on the number you're serving and if you want leftovers (leftovers are good)
1 c white wine
2/3 c heavy cream
1 T cider vinegar
1 T packed brown sugar

Precook the brats; I boiled in beer because I had some leftover that I didn't like.  Maybe next time I would try boiling in the rest of the bottle of wine.  Would that be weird? 

Heat butter and oil in a fairly large skillet over medium-high heat until foam subsides, then cook onion and apples with bay leaf, 1/2 teaspoon salt, and 1/4 teaspoon pepper, stirring once or twice, until golden brown, about 6 minutes.

Then split the brats down the middle, but not all the way through and broil or grill the brats.  Pay attention or some of them will burn.  Yes, that's obvious, but I never fail to burn at least one or two.

Add wine to apple mixture, then simmer, covered, until apples are tender, 6 to 8 minutes. Remove lid and briskly simmer until liquid is reduced by one third, about 2 minutes.

Stir cream, vinegar, and brown sugar into apple mixture and briskly simmer until slightly thickened, about 2 minutes. Discard bay leaf and serve apple compote over bratwurst.

I served with baby Yukon gold potatoes and asparagus I grilled using my handy Pampered Chef grill basket.  I pre-boiled the potatoes until almost done, then mixed the potatoes and asparagus in a bowl with olive oil, salt and pepper, and Bell's seasoning (sage based).  Then dumped into the grill basket and grilled.  I lost track of this along with the brats so some of the asparagus got a little burned.  But what was not charred was good.

However, next time I may serve with mashed potatoes because that apple cream sauce, holy cow, would've been good with mashed potatoes.  Or maybe hashbrowns.  Yes hashbrowns.  Or maybe potato pancakes...or egg noodles...


  1. is this what you made last night? SO good...

  2. Making a version of this tonight with pork chops in the crock pot that I'm going to serve over brown rice - wish me luck!


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